Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh Crack!

Abby is so funny! The past few weeks or so I have hear her saying, "Oh crack!". I had no idea what she was talking about it but it was funny everytime she said it. Just the other day I finally realized that when she says it, she is mimicking me when I say, "Oh crap!" Guess I better clean up my language.
Finally she is feeling better. There is no more chest congestion, no more vomitting, and her blood sugars are somewhat decent. There is never really going to be a "normal" in regards to the blood sugars and it is so frustrating. Just when we think she is doing good and has a few days with some good numbers, we either get a really high one or a really low one. Or she starts to run a little higher and back to the drawing board we go with adjusting the calculations. Since she is so little, it's going to be like that for everything. Every time she gets sick, everytime she has a growth spurt, and I don't even want to begin to think about what it will be like when puberty hits! But for now she is doing pretty good and it's day by day that matters.
Other than getting sick later that night, Abby had a pretty fun Valentine's Day at her school dance. It was fun to watch a bunch of preschoolers doing dancing like the hokey pokey and the bunny dance. Abby enjoyed getting her 1st valentines from her class mates and it only made me realize that my baby is growing up.

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