Monday, November 29, 2010

The Red Princess

Wow. Today was such a trying day of being a parent. But as I put my little girl to bed, I can't believe it's possible to love her even more than I did yesterday.
We put up the Christmas Tree and all the ornaments and it is nearly impossible to keep a 2 year old from wanting to pull them all down. Maybe with a little work at it, she will realize we don't have to redecorate the tree every five seconds.
Anyways, there is a little red nutcracker that was on the tree and Abby decided it was gonna be her favorite. She kept referring to it as the little red princess. She watched TV with it, she ate her dinner with it, she wanted to bathe with it... So you can just imagine how crazy it must have been when the red princess went missing. Could not find her anywhere. Now it was time for Abby to go to bed and all she wanted was her red princess. So I started tearing apart her room and emptying toys bins and looking under her bed. Then she told me the red princess was in the box. I becoame even more perplexed and kept searching her room. Finally inside the ball bopper the red princess lay between the pink and green ball. When I shouted with enthusiasm that I had found it, Abby began to giggle and say, "Mommy found the princess." I was the hero and now she could finally go to bed.

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