Today we had our 3 month check up with the Endocrinologist at Phoenix Children's Hospital. Little did I know they opened the new wing of the hospital and their office had moved. So while it was a little hectic trying to figure out where to go, we finally did.
Abby's doctor seemed to think she was doing ok. Her A1C number was lower and she said that was a good step in the right direction. It was even lower than a few weeks ago when we were in the ER so I must be doing something right. She looked at the blood sugar numbers and we adjusted some calculations that we will start tomorrow.
Kids Abby's age should not have to go through this. It seems so unfair. I can't even find the words to say how angry I am and how frustrated this is. At our visit today, the doctor not only asked about Abby, but how everyone in the house was doing. If you can just imagine having a 2 year old in the house-they pretty much run everything. But imagine that house with a diabetic 2 year- it's insane. I talked to her about going back to work and finding daycare that would be able to help with Abby's care. That is the most frustrating part of this. I can imagine it is hard enough to leave your child in day care, but even harder when you have to rely on someone else to make sure your daughter is medically ok. It scares me to death just thinking about it.
These pics are while we were waiting for the doctor. Abby found The Little Mermaid book and picked it up and opened it as if she had been reading for years. She just loves her books and I love that she enjoys reading so much. Even while waiting for the doctor.